Mochika Outdoor Life is your one-stop shop for anything outdoor related, be it camping, hiking, climbing and much more. Their well-trained staff with tonnes of experience in outdoor activity are guaranteed to offer you the best customer service possible. They too are adventure seekers and can give you tried and tested reviews and advice about the products available in-store.
Their range of inventory is endless! With a plethora of leading brands in the outdoor adventure industry, it is assured that you’ll find the high-quality clothing, shoes, equipment and accessories you are looking for. These include backpacks from Deuter, hiking boots from Solomon, socks from Bridgedale, climbing equipment from Climbing Technology, knives and multitools by Gerber and Victorinox, and nutritional products by 4+ Nutrition and Torq, to name just a few.
You can see their full range of products, prices and offers from their outlet in Hal Qormi or on their online store. Deliveries are done all over Malta and Gozo and are free for orders over €30. Should you have any queries before ordering online or visiting the shop, do not hesitate to contact Mochika Outdoor Life as the staff there strives to aid its clients to have the best outdoor experience ever.
It is highly recommended to check out their blog which you can access through their website. Articles posted there are related to product launches, useful tips and tricks about outdoor activities in Malta and overseas, as well as gift giving ideas among other topics. Also should you be interested in hearing about their latest offers, new products and prices, you are encouraged to subscribe to their newsletter.
Mochika Outdoor Life is also there to help you with your foot-care needs. You can book an appointment with their state-certified podologist who can help you choose the perfect pair of shoes and insoles to help solve your foot-related problems.
What are you waiting for?! Head down to Mochika Outdoor Life and get your adventure started!
Website: https://www.mochika.com.mt/
Social Media:
- Facebook: @MochikaMalta
- Instagram: @mochika_outdoorlife
- Twitter: @MochikaMalta
- Youtube: Mochika Outdoor Life
Email: [email protected]
Telephone Number: (+356) 2728 8024 /(+356) 79797400
Visit Them:
Address: 270, Mdina Road, Qormi, QRM 9014, Malta
Opening Hours:
- Monday-Friday: 11am-7pm
- Sat: 9am-12pm
- Sunday: CLOSED